September 07, 2023 | Base listing particulars Results
Logicor, a leading owner and operator of European modern logistics and distribution properties, today announces the results for the half year ending 30 June 2023.
Michael Slattery
LOGICOR Chief Executive
- Net Operating Income (NOI): €348 million, an increase of 5.1% from the six months ended 30 June 2022, reflecting increased occupancy levels and continued rental growth
- LFL 1 Net Rental Income increased by 6.3% from the six months ended 30 June 2022, driven by new leases and renewals at record re-leasing spreads and inflation-linked indexation and market rent reviews on standing leases
- EPRA Occupancy: 95.4%, an increase of 130bps since 30 June 2022
- Gross Asset Value: €15.5 billion, an increase of €88 million or 0.6% since 31 December 2022
- LTV: 48.2%, below leverage policy of not more than 55%.
1 Net Rental Income at constant currency rates excluding loss of income from disposals, growth from development activity, fees from third-party Assets Under Management, rent-free straight-lining and COVID-19 related bad debts.
For further information please contact:
Logicor Chief Financial Officer:
Simon Clinton [email protected]
Logicor Director of Communications:
Lizzie Beuzeval [email protected], +44 7464980257
About Logicor
Logicor is one of the largest owners and operators of modern logistics and distribution properties in Europe. As at 31 December 2022, we own a portfolio of 594 high-quality properties with a lettable area of 13.4 million square metres located in key European logistics markets. Logicor is headquartered in London and Luxembourg.