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Warehouse: 232.00 sqm | Warehouse: 2500.00 sqf | Total space: 232.00 sqm Total space: 2500.00 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 2500.00 sqf
Warehouse 232.00 sqm
Total 2500.00 sqf 232.00 sqm

Manchester - Parkside Industrial Estate, Oldham Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

Parkside Industrial Estate offers modern refurbished warehouse units in Oldham, Manchester. Commercial units range in size from 550 - 2500 sq ft and are available to lease now. 

Parkside Industrial Estate comprises 26 self contained single storey units of steel portal frame construction with brick and metal clad elevations. The units benefit from good eaves height, three-phase power supply and parking. The site is secured by perimeter fencing with gated access from Edge Lane Street. It is set in an established commercial/industrial area in the Royton area of Oldham.




Warehouse 2500.00 sqf 232.00 sqm
Total 2500.00 sqf 232.00 sqm

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