Warehouse: 17968.00 sqm | Warehouse: 193405.94 sqf | Office: 2495.00 sqm | Office: 26855.96 sqf | Total space: 20463.00 sqm Total space: 220261.90 sqf
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Strategically positioned in relation to major transportation routes.
DC Ittervoort is a multi-functional building comprising 18,000 sqm of warehouse space and 2,500 sqm of office space, strategically located at the perfect spot. With its optimal layout and 42 loading docks, it serves as the ideal complex not only for logistics but also for various other business activities.
Ittervoort is located in the province of Limburg, in the southern part of the Netherlands, an ideal location in
relation to key transportation routes. It is strategically located near the A2 motorway (next to exit 41), providing direct connections to cities such as Maastricht and Eindhoven in the south, and cities as Utrecht and
Amsterdam to the north of the Netherlands. Additionally, the location has excellent connections to Germany and Belgium. Barge Terminal Born is located Approximately 15 km away, which offers a multimodal connection to the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp. This makes Ittervoort attractive for companies looking for a strategic location with excellent accessibility.