nl en Netherlands

Warehouse: 8724.00 sqm | Warehouse: 93904.35 sqf | Office: 1290.00 sqm | Office: 13885.44 sqf | Total space: 11162.00 sqm Total space: 120146.77 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 93904.35 sqf
Warehouse 8724.00 sqm
Office 1290.00 sqm
Office 13885.44 sqf
Mezzanine 12335,44 sqf 1146,00 sqm
Total 120146.77 sqf 11162.00 sqm

Rent a warehouse in Almere Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon



Unit 1 leased out 


Almere is strategically located in the fast-growing Randstad area and has circa 220,000 inhabitants, and approximately 90,000 households. In the heart of urbanized Netherlands, this property is ideally suited for lastmile distribution. Furthermore, nearby highways connect to multiple urbanized cities and municipalities. The new built property is comprised of almost 11,200 sqm of high-quality office and warehouse space. Also, it complies to the latest technological and sustainability standards receiving an BREEAM ‘Very Good’ and will therefore be low cost to operate for last mile logistics. With four connectable units, each of circa 2,200 sqm of warehousing space and circa 300 sqm office space, the property is highly flexible. The site provides sufficient space for parking (& charging electric) vehicles. 

The Almere Site is well-located in Almere, 20 mins drive / 18km east of Amsterdam (the largest city in the
Netherlands), and 30 mins drive / 30km north of Utrecht (4th largest city in the Netherlands). Almere is a satellite and commuter city for Amsterdam and Utrecht with an established commercial property market but a lack of Grade-A logistics supply. The site provides occupiers with excellent transportation networks, is located 30 mins drive from Schiphol airport, and is in close proximity to the A27 (Almere – Breda) and the A1 (Amsterdam – Enschede).


  • IconsHeating - full electric climate concept
  • IconsLighting - LED lighting
  • IconsSprinklers - fire alarm and evacuation system
  • BREAAM 'Very Good'BREAAM 'Very Good'


  • IconsFloor loading - 30kN/m² floor load capacity
Icon Dock level loading doors 8
Icon Clear internal height 10m clear height
Icon Cross docked No
Icon Car parking space 100


Warehouse 93904.35 sqf 8724.00 sqm
Office 13885.44 sqf 1290.00 sqm
Mezzanine 12335,44 sqf 1146,00 sqm
Total 120146.77 sqf 11162.00 sqm

Location map

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  • hours*

Almere is strategically located in the fast-growing Randstad area and has circa 220,000 inhabitants, and approximately 90,000 households. In the heart of urbanized Netherlands, this property is ideally suited for lastmile distribution. Furthermore, nearby highways connect to multiple urbanized cities and municipalities. The new built property is comprised of almost 11,200 sqm of high-quality office and warehouse space. Also, it complies to the latest technological and sustainability standards receiving an BREEAM ‘Very Good’ and will therefore be low cost to operate for last mile logistics. With four connectable units, each of circa 2,200 sqm of warehousing space and circa 300 sqm office space, the property is highly flexible. The site provides sufficient space for parking (& charging electric) vehicles. 

The Almere Site is well-located in Almere, 20 mins drive / 18km east of Amsterdam (the largest city in the
Netherlands), and 30 mins drive / 30km north of Utrecht (4th largest city in the Netherlands). Almere is a satellite and commuter city for Amsterdam and Utrecht with an established commercial property market but a lack of Grade-A logistics supply. The site provides occupiers with excellent transportation networks, is located 30 mins drive from Schiphol airport, and is in close proximity to the A27 (Almere – Breda) and the A1 (Amsterdam – Enschede).

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