it en Italy

Warehouse: 14191.00 sqm | Warehouse: 141910.00 sqf | Office: 313.00 sqm | Office: 3130.00 sqf | Total space: 14504.00 sqm Total space: 145040.00 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 141910.00 sqf
Warehouse 14191.00 sqm
Office 313.00 sqm
Office 3130.00 sqf
Total 145040.00 sqf 14504.00 sqm

Vignate 2 Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

Refurbishment and extension of the existing warehouse, available for lease from January 2024. There is the possibility to customize the internal layout of the 14,504 sqm to meet specific needs of the future tenant.

Strategic Logistics Location

The warehouse is located along the SP 103 Nuova Cassanese, in one of the most dynamic areas in Italy for the circulation of goods. Less than 20 km from the city centre, Vignate is a prime location for last-mile distribution to Milan and throught north-east of the country. The warehouse is very well connected to the motorway via the Milan's ring roads and the Bre.Be.Mi.motorway, and enjoys proximity to crucial logistics services such as the Milan Linate airport and the Segrate rail freight terminal.

A sustainable Choice

The building refurbishment project includes a functional expansion to significantly increase energy efficiency by equipping the building with the latest generation of high-performance systems such as Sprinkler system, photovoltaic system and energy-efficient lighting system.

Flexible Layout

The internal space is organised to sustain and optimise the flow of goods while offering storage areas.


  • IconsLighting


Icon Dock level loading doors 44
Icon Clear internal height 8
Icon Cross docked No


Warehouse 141910.00 sqf 14191.00 sqm
Office 3130.00 sqf 313.00 sqm
Total 145040.00 sqf 14504.00 sqm

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