it en Italy

Warehouse: 19300.00 sqm | Warehouse: 193000.00 sqf | Office: 435.00 sqm | Office: 4350.00 sqf | Total space: 4700.00 sqm Total space: 47000.00 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 193000.00 sqf
Warehouse 19300.00 sqm
Office 435.00 sqm
Office 4350.00 sqf
Total 47000.00 sqf 4700.00 sqm

Rent a warehouse in Suzzara (MN) Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

Suzzara enjoys direct access to the A22 motorway that connects Bologna to Austria, halfway between Verona and Modena.

A 4,700 sqm unit is immediately available in the building located in front of the IVECO manufacturing plant. It is perfectly designed to accomodate the logistics requirements of the automotive industry. With wide manoeuvering and parking areas, this regular shaped building with a flexible layout and two different units is ideal for modular growth or multi-tenancy.

There is the possibility to use the connecting 24,000 sqm plot of land for external storage or to create a building expansion of approximately 15,000 sqm.



  • IconsRacked
  • IconsAmbient storage
Icon Dock level loading doors 2
Icon Clear internal height 11.75 m
Icon Car parking space Yes


Warehouse 193000.00 sqf 19300.00 sqm
Office 4350.00 sqf 435.00 sqm
Total 47000.00 sqf 4700.00 sqm
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • hours*

Suzzara is a council in the province of Mantua very well connected to the A22 motorway that runs from Bologna to Austria. The IVECO european Daily manifacturing plant established in Suzzara has a direct impact on the logistics  development in the area. The Logicor warehouse was projected to serve the automotive industry with its ample manoeuvring and parking areas.

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