it en Italy

Warehouse: 18151.00 sqm | Warehouse: 181510.00 sqf | Office: 1032.00 sqm | Office: 10320.00 sqf | Total space: 22393.00 sqm Total space: 223930.00 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 181510.00 sqf
Warehouse 18151.00 sqm
Office 1032.00 sqm
Office 10320.00 sqf
Total 223930.00 sqf 22393.00 sqm

Quarrata Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

Development of a 22,393 sqm warehouse in Quarrata, Tuscany close to Prato, Pistoia and Florence.

The asset is being built on a 35,000 sqm land with the highest quality and sustainability standards.





Icon Dock level loading doors 22
Icon Clear internal height 11.5
Icon Cross docked No


Warehouse 181510.00 sqf 18151.00 sqm
Office 10320.00 sqf 1032.00 sqm
Total 223930.00 sqf 22393.00 sqm

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