it en Italy

Warehouse: 4081.00 sqm | Warehouse: 40810.00 sqf | Office: 440.00 sqm | Office: 4400.00 sqf | Total space: 4521.00 sqm Total space: 45210.00 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 40810.00 sqf
Warehouse 4081.00 sqm
Office 440.00 sqm
Office 4400.00 sqf
Total 45210.00 sqf 4521.00 sqm

Rent a warehouse in Rolo (RE) Logistics Park Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

Modern Logistics Park comprising four buildings for a total area of 130,000 sqm.

Highly visible from A22 motorway, the facility enjoys a strategic position for those companies who have already established their international distribution hubs.

Strengths of the Rolo Logistics Park

The strengths of this Park consist in the varied offer of units available for lease, the energy afficiency of the warehouses, the ease availability within the Park and in the surrounding area, the excellent connection to the  national and European motorway systemsthrough the A22 motorway (Brennero).

Available Space

  • 4,521 sqm available in building A, of which 4,081 sqm is warehouse space

Upcoming new Development

Within the Rolo Logistics Park property perimeter, the development of a new warehouse of 13,680 sqm will be completed by 2024.


  • IconsHeating
  • IconsLighting
  • IconsSprinklers - NFPA


Icon Clear internal height 10.4


Warehouse 40810.00 sqf 4081.00 sqm
Office 4400.00 sqf 440.00 sqm
Total 45210.00 sqf 4521.00 sqm
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • hours*

The site is very well connected to the national road system via the A22 motorway (Brennero) which also serves as a gateway to Northern European countries.

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