fr en France

Warehouse: 25494.00 sqm | Warehouse: 245170.00 sqf | Office: 1534.00 sqm | Office: 16512.00 sqf | Total space: 25494.00 sqm Total space: 482751.00 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 245170.00 sqf
Warehouse 25494.00 sqm
Office 1534.00 sqm
Office 16512.00 sqf
Total 482751.00 sqf 25494.00 sqm

Ormes Kensington Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

The property is located at the heart of Pôle 45, one of the largest business parks in the Orleans Loire Valley conurbation. The park is home to almost 200 companies, mainly specialising in industry, transport and logistics.

Just 10 km from Orléans, it is strategically located close to the A10 and A71 motorways.

Ormes is a French commune in the Loiret department in the Centre-Val de Loire region.


  • IconsHeating
  • IconsLighting
  • IconsSprinklers


  • IconsRacked
  • IconsLevel Access Parking - 2
Icon Dock level loading doors 26
Icon Clear internal height 6.5
Icon Cross docked 2
Icon Car parking space No


Warehouse 245170.00 sqf 25494.00 sqm
Office 16512.00 sqf 1534.00 sqm
Total 482751.00 sqf 25494.00 sqm

Location map

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  • hours*

The property is located at the heart of Pôle 45, one of the largest business parks in the Orleans Loire Valley conurbation. The park is home to almost 200 companies, mainly specialising in industry, transport and logistics. Just 10 km from Orléans.

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