fi en Finland

Warehouse: 13741.00 sqm | Warehouse: 183836.83 sqf | Office: 1085.00 sqm | Office: 12077.10 sqf | Total space: 13741.00 sqm Total space: 195913.90 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 183836.83 sqf
Warehouse 13741.00 sqm
Office 1085.00 sqm
Office 12077.10 sqf
Total 195913.90 sqf 13741.00 sqm

Rent a warehouse in Jyväskylän Vesangantie 1 Koy Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

Vesangantie 1

Jyväskylä Vesangantie 1 light industrial-warehouse estate offer a well-connected location in Rautpohja with close proximity to Jyväskylä city center.

Versatile facilities

The property comprises two units with hall/warehouse and office space totalling 26,415 m2.

Flexible space to adapt your needs

The existing industrial/warehouse facilities can be tailored into different entities. The height of the spaces varies, the maximum eaves is 9 meters.


  • IconsHeating
  • IconsLighting
  • IconsSprinklers


Icon Dock level loading doors 0
Icon Clear internal height 9
Icon Cross docked No
Icon Car parking space 200


Warehouse 183836.83 sqf 13741.00 sqm
Office 12077.10 sqf 1085.00 sqm
Total 195913.90 sqf 13741.00 sqm
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • hours*

Jyväskylä is the center and growing city of Central Finland. The city, located at the junction of the E75 and E63 highways, has good connections all over Finland. Jyväskylä is easily accessible by rail and air.

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