cz en Czech Republic

Warehouse: 3727.00 sqm | Warehouse: 40117.11 sqf | Office: 1503.00 sqm | Office: 16178.16 sqf | Total space: 5230.00 sqm Total space: 56295.27 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 40117.11 sqf
Warehouse 3727.00 sqm
Office 1503.00 sqm
Office 16178.16 sqf
Total 56295.27 sqf 5230.00 sqm

Rent a warehouse in Prague Airport Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

Modern A-class logistics and distribution park consisting of 4 buildings with high standards, located in the close vicinity (1.5 km) of Václav Havel Airport.

Located in Dobrovíz – on the western side of the Prague, in the close vicinity of Václav Havel Airport.
exit of R6 express road (Prague – Karlovy Vary) connected with European route E48 in Germany 
20 kilometres away of Prague downtown and is served by dire

The office space is situated on the ground floor and the first floor of the Hall 3 within the logistics park. Theadministrative spaces combine open space with individual offices and allow flexible division according to needs. The offices are air-conditioned and have two separate entrances, including a reception area, social facilities, and newly built changing rooms. An additional advantage is the ample parking space directly in front of the property


  • IconsHeating
  • IconsLighting


  • IconsAmbient storage
  • IconsChilled
  • IconsFrozen
Icon Dock level loading doors 84
Icon Clear internal height 10
Icon Cross docked No
Icon Car parking space 472


Warehouse 40117.11 sqf 3727.00 sqm
Office 16178.16 sqf 1503.00 sqm
Total 56295.27 sqf 5230.00 sqm
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • hours*

Logicor Prague Airport is located in Dobrovíz, at the western side of the Prague, in direct neighbourhood of Václav Havel Airport.
It is situated at the exit of R6 express road (Prague – Karlovy Vary) which is connected with European route E48 in Germany. Park lays
20 kilometres away of Prague downtown and is served by direct bus lines to Kladno and the Zlicin Metro B tube station.

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