cz en Czech Republic

Warehouse: 14470.00 sqm | Warehouse: 155753.85 sqf | Office: 943.00 sqm | Office: 10150.37 sqf | Total space: 15413.00 sqm Total space: 165904.22 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 155753.85 sqf
Warehouse 14470.00 sqm
Office 943.00 sqm
Office 10150.37 sqf
Building A - Warehouse 103462.75 sqf 9612 sqm
Building A - Office 3562.85 sqf 331 sqm
Building B - Warehouse 52291.09 sqf 4858 sqm
Building B - Office 6587.51 sqf 612 sqm
Total 165904.22 sqf 15413.00 sqm

Rent a warehouse in Logicor Příšovice Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

Logicor Příšovice is the brand new 20,000-sqm industrial property development near City of Turnov (North-East Bohemia) along the D10 highway connecting Prague with Czech regional centres Liberec, Jičín and Hradec Králové, respectively with German and Polish borders.

Two new warehouses are perfect fit either for manufacturing companies (especially in automotive industry linked to near Škoda Auto production plant in Mladá Boleslav) or for any kind of logistics.

The modern, ESG compliant assets address especially medium-sizes companies offering lease units approx. 5,000 sqm for them. 

Property have a underground rainwater retention systems and charging stations for electric vehicles. The roofs are suitable for PV panels and one of the completed buildings is optimised for cross-dock operations. 

Logicor Příšovice, which has been designed to achieve the international sustainability certification (BREEAM Very Good), will provide you with state-of-the-art commercial space in the established industrial area with great connection to busy transport junction and to the Czech railway network thanks to existing railway siding on-site. 

Offered space:

Building A: 9,943 sqm 

Building B: 5,470 sqm


  • IconsHeating
  • IconsLighting
  • IconsSprinklers
  • EVEV
  • Solar PVSolar PV


  • IconsFloor loading - 6t
Icon Dock level loading doors 3
Icon Clear internal height 10
Icon Cross docked 24
Icon Car parking space 119


Warehouse 155753.85 sqf 14470.00 sqm
Office 10150.37 sqf 943.00 sqm
Building A - Warehouse 103462.75 sqf 9612 sqm
Building A - Office 3562.85 sqf 331 sqm
Building B - Warehouse 52291.09 sqf 4858 sqm
Building B - Office 6587.51 sqf 612 sqm
Total 165904.22 sqf 15413.00 sqm
External website:
  • 1
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  • hours*

Logicor Příšovice is located just half an hour’s drive from Prague – exit 67 on the D10 highway, which links the Czech capital city with the national border to Germany and Poland. The site is two kilometres from the town of Turnov, in the municipality of Příšovice.

This strategic location is at the heart of a busy transport crossroad linking regional cities Mladá Boleslav, Liberec and Jičín, and providing direct access to highway D10.

Given the fact the park finds in the established industrial area, the property provides the ideal solution for companies in manufacturing and logistics.

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