Warehouse: 14470.00 sqm | Warehouse: 155753.85 sqf | Office: 943.00 sqm | Office: 10150.37 sqf | Total space: 15413.00 sqm Total space: 165904.22 sqf
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Logicor Příšovice is located just half an hour’s drive from Prague – exit 67 on the D10 highway, which links the Czech capital city with the national border to Germany and Poland. The site is two kilometres from the town of Turnov, in the municipality of Příšovice.
This strategic location is at the heart of a busy transport crossroad linking regional cities Mladá Boleslav, Liberec and Jičín, and providing direct access to highway D10.
Given the fact the park finds in the established industrial area, the property provides the ideal solution for companies in manufacturing and logistics.