cz en Czech Republic

Warehouse: 4886.00 sqm | Warehouse: 6673.62 sqf | Total space: 4886.00 sqm Total space: 6673.62 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 6673.62 sqf
Warehouse 4886.00 sqm
Unit 1 sqf 646,00 sqm
Unit 2 sqf 4240,00 sqm
Total 6673.62 sqf 4886.00 sqm

tampereen-patamaenkatu-18-koy Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

The warehouse property is located in Tampere Sarankulma logistics and industrial area with good access to highway E12. The property consists of warehouse and office space totalling approx 13 030 sqm.


  • IconsHeating
  • IconsLighting


Icon Dock level loading doors 0
Icon Loading doors 6
Icon Clear internal height 5-7
Icon Cross docked No
Icon Car parking space 10-20


Warehouse 6673.62 sqf 4886.00 sqm
Unit 1 sqf 646,00 sqm
Unit 2 sqf 4240,00 sqm
Total 6673.62 sqf 4886.00 sqm
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • hours*

The warehouse property is located in Tampere Sarankulma logistics and industrial area with good access to highway E12. The property consists of warehouse and office space totalling approx 13 030 sqm.

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