fr en France

Warehouse: 38196.00 sqm | Warehouse: 411138.00 sqf | Office: 3722.00 sqm | Office: 40063.27 sqf | Total space: 41918.00 sqm Total space: 451202.00 sqf

Measure unit


Warehouse 411138.00 sqf
Warehouse 38196.00 sqm
Office 3722.00 sqm
Office 40063.27 sqf
Total 451202.00 sqf 41918.00 sqm

Combs Highlands Compare CompareIcon Save Saved SaveIcon

42000 sqm detached logistics building renovated in 2010. Numerous ICPEs, direct access to the N104.


  • IconsSprinklers


  • IconsFloor loading - 5t/sqm
Icon Dock level loading doors 44
Icon Clear internal height 10m
Icon Cross docked 3
Icon Car parking space 289


Warehouse 411138.00 sqf 38196.00 sqm
Office 40063.27 sqf 3722.00 sqm
Total 451202.00 sqf 41918.00 sqm

Location map

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  • hours*

42 000 sqm detached logistics building renovated in 2010. Numerous ICPEs, direct access to the N104.

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